An operation may be considered if simple treatments do not improve the pain in your foot. How much pain you have in your foot will help you to decide if you need an operation.
The operation is normally carried out through a cut on the top of the foot. The lump is taken out along with a short section of the nerve. This helps reduce the risk of the neuroma growing back.
Most people having an operation for Morton’s Neuroma can be treated as a day case.
During the operation you are given local anaesthetic to relieve pain immediately after the surgery.
You will:
It will take about 3 months for all the swelling to settle and to get back into your normal footwear.
There is some loss of feeling between the affected toes.
The operation to remove a Morton’s Neuroma is around 85% successful. Most complications are rare. However, all operations carry a small risk which may leave you worse off.
These include: