Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin (MICA) is a surgical technique for bunion correction which has become increasingly established over the last ten years. This is carried out with a series of cuts of about 5mm, leaving shorter scars.
X-rays are used during the operation to ensure the correct positioning of the bones. The bones are reset and heal in a similar way to the open operation. The bones are fixed using buried screws – there are no wires to be removed. You would have the same protective shoe during the recovery.
There are advantages and disadvantages of minimally invasive surgery compared with open surgery such as scarf and akin osteotomy. Our surgeons have extensive experience of both techniques and can discuss with you which is the more suitable option for your foot.
Find out more about bunion correction surgery >
Minimally invasive surgery techiniques can be used in some patients to correct deformities wuch as claw toes and hammer toes. This is done with incisions of a few millimetres. Minimally invasive surgery for correction of toe problems avoids the need to have K-wires (metal pins) placed in the toes.
If you have a bunion as well as lesser tor problems you can have both corrected at the same operation. In some patients the whole procedure can be completed with minimally invasive surgery. In some patients a combination of open and keyhole surgery can be used. Your surgeon can discuss all aspects of the surgery with you and can discuss with you which are the best options in your situation.
Sometimes forefoot pain (metatarsalgia) is caused by overload and prominence of the metatarsal heads. In some people this can be corrected with a simple keyhole operation (distal minimally invasive metatarsal osteotomy – DMMO) to reset the bone. This is done through a single incision of about 3mm. The surgeon uses x-rays to see exactly where to reset the bone.